
New Integration Partner: Accell GmbH became silver-level integration partner - based on experience after training several staff members in using AUTOMAPPPS software and successfull completing projects with above threashold volume - which are using AUTOMAPPPS planning software and computer vision.
ACCELL is specialized on reactive systems from small to large. ACCELL - with focus on easy to use small and medium-size systems to manufacturers and as subsystem provider to line-builders. ACCELL, has a build its reputation for providing easy-to use and even one-button robot-cells especially in grinding and sanding in the steel, construction, wood and automotive and other high-tech sectors.


Platinum Level Ingegration Partner: Asis GmbH became our first integration partner on platinum level - which considers experience in terms of (number of) robot experts trained on AUTOMAPPPS software and (volume of) projects - based on AUTOMAPPPS software - successfully completed. ASIS has become a full service partner for reactive robot programming with AUTOMAPPPS and robot off-line programming (OLP, OLRP) - and has buit up a strong interdisciplinary team of surface, robotics, PLC and software experts that has been trained by us in depth in all aspects of AUTOMAPPPS paint-repair to provide you with the best service for reactive robot systems and real-time robotic-applications.


Innovation  Highlight: The EC Innovation Radar, which identifies Innovations and Innovators with High Potential, recognizes the „Smart weld grinding and finishing robot”, a joint development of Convergent IT and Nuclear AMRC, as such an outstanding innovation. For more information & video see
Video: reactive weld grinding robot


New AUTOMAPPPS distributor in Finland: Metecno Oy



Industrial state-x-time planning reduced robots´downtimes by more than 95%

Technical Background: “State-x-time planning” as method in academic R&D has been invented around 15 years ago for robots operating in environments that change over time (see e.g. S. LaValle: „Planning Algorithms“, 2006). We will shortly describe the details and the impact it has on industrial robotics.

Traditional robot motion planning does plan the robot´s motion in the state-space C(x) with x being the state of the robot. This was extended to include the time: C(t, x(t)). A full kino-dynamic planner extends the state space to C(t, x(t), dx(t)/dt) or C(t, x(t), dx(t)/dt, d2x(t)/dt2), i.e. represents not only the joints’ state, but also their velocity and possibly the acceleration. „Space-x-time“ extend the state x to include the changes on the robot cell over time as an additional state.

Convergent IT started more than 10 years ago to transfer state-x-time from its original researched applications such as mobile service robotics to industrial robots, which has to deal with less changes in the environments, but with more complexity by means of more joints - and even tougher: more constraints originating from the process to automate. As an illustration: the state-x-time planer AUTOMAPPPS does not plan e.g. a 7 axes robot in a state-space C of dimension 7, but in a 15 dimensional state space: 2 dimensions per joint (x(t),dx(t)/dt) plus one dimension for the changes of the robot cell over time. Additionally, all joints are speed- and acceleration-bound which influence the planning. For a cell with 2 robots, the dimension of the state space C is then 29, 4 robots 57 a.s.o..

Impact: Usage of this dry mathematics is rewarded with great opportunities. Not only novel very high-end applications, such as self-programming robot cells in the field of autonomous spot-repair benefit, because they wouldn´t be possible without real-time programming of robots in seconds by AUTOMAPPPS state-x-time with line-tracking support. Also others, currently more common robotic tasks, which could be programmed otherwise, do benefit: The method does allow huge cost-reduction and increases of OEE (overall equipment efficiency). One of the examples is shown in the following video recently permitted for disclosure.

The example depicts the painting of complex shaped parts, as common e.g. in investment goods or in machine builder industry. One of the key challenges is, that large robots have to enter narrow areas with a clearance or safety distance between robots and parts or chains being only a few cm. The robots are painting parts from the inside and or between chains – while the parts are moving.

Where other SW-tool has not been useable, AUTOMAPPPS has been able to support a save off-line programming efficiently. Time-consuming robot teaching with plenty of try-and-error and iterations is no longer needed. Thus, the state-x-time planning is reducing the non-productive time of the robot cells for more than 95% and beyond. What remains is the time needed to measure the location of one part per new class. Also, programming these challenging tasks can be done by the staff of the manufacturer - not by robot experts only. Those cases are illustrative examples for applying R&D methods in other large robotic domains. Maybe not as spectacular on the first view as its application in automatic car repair, but impressing after taking a closer look - and with a big advantage for the user.

The video is embedded by YouTube and only loaded and played from there when you click on the play button. From then on, the privacy policy of Google applies.


New AUTOMAPPPS distributor in USA: E-motion America Inc.



New AUTOMAPPPS distributor in USA: Cobot Intelligence

New AUTOMAPPPS distributor in CANADA: Cobot Intelligence


New AUTOMAPPPS distributor in Singapore: Clemvision Pte Ltd.

New AUTOMAPPPS distributor for Vietnam: TEMAS JSC


The next step in Faster robot programming: AUTOMAPPPS 3.0 robot offline programming software available


New AUTOMAPPPS distributor in Poland:  CoRobotics Sp. z o. o.

New AUTOMAPPPS distributor for Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg:  Uptimatix


Exhibition: AUTOMAPPPS at HMI 2019 (Hannover Messe Industrie):  in Hannover, Germany

Exhibition: Convergent IT exhibits at AutomateShow 2019:  in Chicago, USA


New AUTOMAPPPS distributor in Norway:  Prikk AS


Anniversary: celebrating 10 th anniversary of Convergent IT GmbH. More than 10 years of AUTOMAPPPS automated robot programming. Generating more than 10 Million robot programs per year.


Exhibition: AUTOMAPPPS at MOTEK 2018:  in Munich, Germany

Exhibition: AUTOMAPPPS at JAPAN Robot Show 2018:  in Tokyo, Japan


Exhibition: AUTOMAPPPS at TAIROS 2018:  in Taipei, Taiwan


Article: JOT 8/2018:  Einfache und sichere Roboterprogrammierung für Line-Tracking


Exhibition: Automatica 2018: 19.06-22.06.2018 in Munich, Germany, Hall B5, Booth 406.


Article: JOT 5/2018:  Roboter optimal programmieren


Exhibition: AUTOMAPPPS at PaintExpo 2018: 17.04-20.04.2018 in Karlsruhe, Germany, Hall 1, Booth 1622.


New AUTOMAPPPS distributor in Switzerland:  TBM Automation AG

New AUTOMAPPPS distributor in Turkey:  Aort Makine ve Robot Sanayi A.S.


Exhibition: Visit us at IREX 2017: 29.11-02.12.2017 in Tokyo, Japan, Hall East 3, Booth IR3-57 GrinePlanning (opposit ABB).


Meeting opportunity: Let's talk at FabTech: 06.-08. November 2017 in Chicago, USA. Arrange a meeting or live demo via the contact page.


Visit us at MOTEK 2017: 9-12 October 2017 in Stuttgart, Germany, Hall 7, Booth 7605.


Presentation: At Scandinavian Coating, 15.03.2017, Copenhagen, Denmark: “Faster Robot Programming – or Automated Programming in High-Variant Surface Treatment Processes”.


Exhibition: Visit us at Automatica 2016 on 21-24 June 2016, Munich, Germany, Hall A4, booth 519


Presentation: At PaintExpo, 21.04.2016, Karlsruhe, Germany: "Roboter für die Vorbehandlung (Schleifen, Reinigen) mit AUTOMAPPPS teilautomatisch programmiert".


Exhibition: Visit us at PaintExpo on 19-22 April 2016, Karlsruhe, Germany. Hall 1, booth 1616.


Article: JOT Journal für Oberflächentechnik “Offline-Programmierung leicht gemacht, Pulverbeschichtung bei Jungheinrich in Moosburg". JOT 4/2016: OLP for powder coating


Article: E&I Sonderheft: “Robotik in Industrie & Forschung – ein Überblick über die Robotiklandschaft in Österreich”


Article: Factory and factorynet: “Robotics: bin-picking feasible”


Award: Convergent Information Technologies GmbH wins the first price of the 2013 euRobotics Entrepreneurship Workshop, sponsored by the European Commission and Robolution Capital. Subject of this award is the development of the future generation of our Software-Tool for automatic robot programming.


Article: Vision Systems Design: "3D Machine Vision Guides Robots into Action". Jan 2013, Ed: Andrew Wilson


Article: MM MaschinenMarkt: "Automatisierte Programmierung von Robotern und Prozessen" MM MaschinenMarkt


Article: Vision 2012: AutomAPPPS-motion can be seen in action during Vision 2012 in Stuttgart (06.11.12 - 08.11.12.) at the booth of company MVTec Software GmbH, Hall 1, booth D74


Article: imvEurope: "AutmAPPPS with Halcon 11"  imvEurope


Article: Open Automation: "MVTeC: Robuster Griff in die Kiste"


Article: RoboticsTomorrow: "Robust Pick and Place Solution"  RoboticsTomorrow


Article: Elektrotechnik: Bildverarbeitungssystem "Robuster Griff in die Kiste"  elektrotechnik.vogel.de


Article: MC: "Convergent: Robuster Griff in die Kiste"


Article: MC-report 02/2012: "Die Automation automatisieren"


Article: Inspect Online: Baukasten für "Griff in die Kiste"  inspect-online


Article: Vision Online "Construction Kit for Pick And Place Applications" vision online


Article: RoboticsTomorrow "Construction Kit for Pick-And-Place"  roboticstomorrow


Article: Elektrotechnik "Baukasten für den Griff in die Kiste" elektrotechnik.vogel.de


Article: FACTORY "Innovation des Monats - Reaktive Roboter"


Article: Der Standard "Denn sie wissen schon was sie tun - Roboter in der Automobilindustrie erkennen bereits die Mängel ihrer eignen Arbeit"  derstandard.at


Presentation: CIT AutomAPPPS-offline presented for programming of inspection robots by Micro-Epsilon in Ortenburg. AutomAPPPS-reactive software shown in action programming robots marking defects detected seconds before.


Award: Convergent Information Technologies GmbH i.G. finishes second at software-park Hagenberg.

Award for Innovation and Quality in Software development with "Automated Planning and Programming".