Job Offers / Master-Thesis / Working Students

No regular openings in Winter 2024

After the previous employment round, we are right now not actively searching for new employees. However in medium term we are positive to search again. Therefore we keep examplaric job offers on-line, since we will quite likely be looking for similar profile and offer similar jobs:

In order to enhance our growing international team in Haid (Linz, Upper Austria), we are hiring motivated people from all over Europe. We also encourage unsolicited applications, somehow related to our job offers. Offered positions are flexible in terms of contracts (part-time, full time, partially tele-work) to allow you to optimally combine your professional with your private (family) life. We usually offer permanent positions. The company is bilingual, the primary languages are English or German.

Depending on your individual profile and expertise and influenced simultaneously or previously employed team members, the work content and the profile of the future employment can alternate to some extend between more expertise in software engineering versus more expertise in mathematics, robotics etc. In general a good C++ programming experience is important.

Your next great place to work?

Please send applications to:
Christof Eberst

Convergent Information Technologies GmbH
Schulstrasse 2
4053 Haid


jobs for software developpers in robotics

Innovation and Application Engineer:  Robot Vision & 3D Vision & Planning (m/f/d)

To augment our growing R&D ambitions, we are recruiting junior and senior engineers, computer scientist, software-engineers, (m/f) with a generalistic working approach. Your task will be to (1) set up and optimize automation systems beyond state-of-the art, (2) derive technical innovations from own experience and discussion with customer´s experts and (3) implement those innovations in SW.  The position is permanent.

Your task:

Responsibilities, tasks and job description will be elaborated cooperatively to match your prior experience and your interests with company interest. Responsibilities will include the following topics in the field of reactive robots, robot vision, machine learning  and automatic planning:

  • Set up very high-end robot systems and initally optimize processes at factories and laboraties.
  • Analyse robot systems for possible innovations - with customer´s and partners automation experts
  • Concept algorithms, interfaces and user-interaction SW tools
  • Implement / realize that SW tools, interfaces and improvements
  • Develop new user-interfaces, methods and algorithms within corporate and cooperative R&D projects
  • Other responsibilities according to previous experience and personal interests

Your qualification:

You should be an European Citizen (or have a permanent working permit) with a Master/Dipl.-Ing./HTL in Engineering (EE, mechanics, mechatronics, automation) or Computer Science / SW Engineerin. You should have a strong background in software engineering (preferably in C++ and or python) and interest or experience in some of the following topics:

  • Automation and robotics
  • Robot vision / 3D Computer vision (some experience required for this particular position!)
  • Vision & Robotics Libraries (e.g. OpenCV, PCL, ROS, OMPL)
  • Machine learning
  • Automated (process-) planning
  • Collosion-free motion planning
  • Simulation
  • CAM
  • Professional SW Engineering, Development of Algorithms in C++ and Python

We expect further

  • fluent English
  • good lanuage skills in German and/or the desire to learn German.
  • interest in traveling - world-wide, approx. 1/4 of the time, typically 1, 2, or 3 days to 2 weeks.

Our offer:

  • Challenging high-tech jobs in a young, dynamic enterprise
  • Work approach wich merges hands-on experience at laboratories and factories with in-office (SW-)development
  • In one of the future’s domains: robotics, robot vision, machine-learning
  • Mapping your work content to your interests and skills
  • The opportunity and competences to “change things” and to “leave own footprints”
  • Development of your personal and professional skills and competences
  • Highly flexible working conditions, with flexible working hours and home office (part-time)
  • Attractive modern and professional working environment
  • Travel (national, EU-wide, world-wide) to interesting places

The salary will depend on previous experience and education. The minimal base salary (according Austrian collective agreement) for this position in Haid is €43.080/year plus travel allowances. We are willing to overpay according to experience and qualification. The position is permanent.

Software Developper C++, Python:  Robot Vision & 3D Vision & Planning (m/f/d)

To extend our growing R&D team, we are recruiting junior and senior computer scientist, software-engineers, mathematicians and engineers (m/f). Your will work in the field of  software development and you will participate in R&D in the modern field of  robot vision and automatic planning -  with aspects of 3D computer vision, visual computing, automatic robot programming, robot motion planning, robot offline programming, CAM, robust machine intelligence, learning and optimization,  computer graphic and human machine interaction. The position is permanent.

Your task:

Responsibilities, tasks and job description will be elaborated cooperatively to match your prior experience and your interests. Responsibilities will include some or all of the following topics:

  • Development of new SW technologies, methods and algorithms within corporate and cooperative R&D projects
  • Concept and realization of algorithms (3D vision, planning, interaction, simulation, CAM, learning)
  • Optionally concept and realization of SW architectures
  • Lead of small and medium sized or larger research projects or development projects and applied projects (depending on experience / qualification) already quite early (if desired)
  • Other responsibilities according to previous experience and personal interests

Your qualification:

You should be an European Citizen (or have a permanent working permit) with a Master/Dipl.-Ing./PhD in Computer Science / SW Engineering / Engineering (EE, mechanics, mechatronics). You should have a strong background in software engineering (preferably in C++) and interest or experience in some of the following topics:

  • Robot vision / 3D Computer vision (some experience required for this particular position!)
  • Vision SW (e.g. Halcon)
  • Vision & Robotics Libraries (e.g. OpenCV, PCL, ROS, OMPL)
  • Robotics
  • Automated (process-) planning
  • Collosion-free motion planning
  • Simulation
  • Development of complex SW Systems
  • GPU processing, parallelization
  • Computer Graphics
  • CAM
  • Professional SW Engineering, Development of Algorithms in C++ and Python

For the senior position we expect a strong background and history in software development and software engineering for robotic systems

Our offer:

  • Challenging high-tech jobs in a young, dynamic growing enterprise
  • In one of the future’s domains: robotics, robot vision, artificial intelligence
  • Mapping your work content to your interests and skills
  • The opportunity and competences to “change things” and to “leave own footprints”
  • Development of your personal and professional skills and competences
  • Highly flexible working conditions, with flexible working hours and home office (part-time)
  • Attractive modern and professional working environment - spacious offices even with modern H14 Air-Filters against viruses

The minimal salary for this position in Haid is €44.660/year. We are willing to overpay according to experience and qualification. The position is permanent.

Diploma-/Master-Theses and Internships/ Working Students: Software development for robots

No vacancies in summer 2024 due to high involvement in newly starting projects.

We offer master thesis and internship opportunities in the area of robot programming software, motion planning, automatic planning, and computer vision, robot vision. The theses should be related to one or more of the following technical topics

3D computer vision
computer graphics
machine learning
user interaction

Students must be enrolled in a master's or bachelor's degree program, e.g. in mechanical engineering, mechatronics, mathematics, computer science, or electrical engineering and need to have solid programming skills (C++), casewise in python.


Individual topics will be defined jointly according to individual interests, strengths and prior-knowledge.